The Foundation Program™: Mod 1-7
Module 1: Welcome and Introduction
Toxic Reasoning, Toxic Relationships & the Illusion of Control
Loved One's Program – How to help vs. Get stuck
Support/Accountability – The Importance of Staying Connected
Module 2: Detox: Body & Mind
Fight or Flight
Five Part Goal Setting
5X5- Grounding Technique
Module 3: Take Back Control
T-FABing (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
What is my acting out ticket?
Power of Momentum
"N.L.R's"- Grounding Technique
Module 4: Choice, Control & Being Gentle
Review of T-FAB and Introduction of A.H.A.
What is the need?
Choice & Control- Being Gentle/What's in my Highest Interest?
The Power of Affirmation
Thought Stream- Grounding Technique
Module 5: Self-Acceptance: Shame No More
Pain vs. Guilt- One Way Shamers/Two Way Blamers
Healthy vs. Normal
Self Esteem, Self-Acceptance, Self-Identity & Self-Care
Grounding Technique
Module 6: Boundaries, Relationship and Meaning
Learned Helplessness/Hopelessness
Power of Faith & Hope
Boundaries- Internal/External
Win-Win Relationships
Boundary Bubble- Grounding Technique
Module 7: How to Stay on Track
Relapse Prevention Strategies
What Did I Learn?
Relapse as Process vs. Event
Pain/Passion (download)
The Advanced Program™: Mod 8-13
Module 8: "Common Colds" of Mental Health
Dysfunction vs. Function
Cognitive Distortion Checklist
Module 9: Stress - Friend or Foe?
Stress Reduction and Resiliency
Power of Words and Self-Talk
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Grounding/Defusing Technique
Module 10: Trauma, Mental Health & Addiction
Manifestation of Trauma in Relation to Addiction
Trauma- Definitions/Examples of Complex
Grounding/Defusing Technique
Module 11: Anger – Health vs. Unhealthy
Anger Management
Anger- Where is my Power?
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Expressions of Anger- P.A.R.
"Scrunchies"- Grounding Technique
Module 12: Relationships – Healthy vs. Co-dependent
Co-Dependent vs. Healthy Relationships
Fusion vs. Differentiation
Getting Unstuck!
Empty Chair/Poison Pen- Closure Techniques
Bonus Module – Your Wellness Journey Overview
Relapse Prevention Extended
"Dear Me" Letter
Congratulations Ceremony
What can you take with you...?